CalcXML REST Web Services - cus52 Calculator


Properties / Request Headers

Required property: content-type=application/json
Required property: charset=UTF-8
Required header: accept=application/json

Full JSON Request

{"username": "XXXXXX","password": "XXXXXX","responseType": "raw2","returnDataTable": "true","chartLibrary": "image","language": "en","countryCode": "US","version": "1.3", "chartTitle": "Custom Chart Title", "threeD": "0", "chartHeight": "300", "chartWidth": "300","barColor1": "ddeeaa", "barColor2": "00ffff", "barColor3": "ffeb00","barColor4": "aabbcc","barColor5": "ff00ff","barColor6": "bbaa00","homeValue": "0","mortgageBalance": "0","currentMortgagePayment": "0","monthlyExpenses": "0","income": "0","otherExpenses": "0","creditHistory": "G","state": "XX"}

Minimal JSON Request

Optional elements will be defaulted

{"username": "XXXXXX","password": "XXXXXX","homeValue": "0","mortgageBalance": "0","currentMortgagePayment": "0","monthlyExpenses": "0","income": "0","otherExpenses": "0","creditHistory": "G","state": "XX"}

Description Of Calculator-Specific Request Elements

homeValue Data type: xs:double Valid values: 0 to 999999999
mortgageBalance Data type: xs:double Valid values: 0 to 999999999
currentMortgagePayment Data type: xs:double Valid values: 0 to 999999999
monthlyExpenses Data type: xs:double Valid values: 0 to 999999999
income Data type: xs:double Valid values: 0 to 999999999
otherExpenses Data type: xs:double Valid values: 0 to 999999999
creditHistory Data type: xs:string Valid values: E (Excellent (720 +)), G (Good (670-719)), F (Fair (620-669))
state Data type: xs:string Valid values: XX (--Select--), AL (Alabama), AK (Alaska), AZ (Arizona), AR (Arkansas), CA (California), CO (Colorado), CT (Connecticut), DE (Delaware), DC (Dist of Columbia), FL (Florida), GA (Georgia), HI (Hawaii), ID (Idaho), IL (Illinois), IN (Indiana), IA (Iowa), KS (Kansas), KY (Kentucky), LA (Louisiana), ME (Maine), MD (Maryland), MA (Massachusetts), MI (Michigan), MN (Minnesota), MS (Mississippi), MO (Missouri), MT (Montana), NE (Nebraska), NV (Nevada), NH (New Hamshire), NJ (New Jersey), NM (New Mexico), NY (New York), NC (North Carolina), ND (North Dakota), OH (Ohio), OK (Oklahoma), OR (Oregon), PA (Pennsylvania), RI (Rhode Island), SC (South Carolina), SD (South Dakota), TN (Tennessee), TX (Texas), UT (Utah), VT (Vermont), VA (Virginia), WA (Washington), WV (West Virginia), WI (Wisconsin), WY (Wyoming)

See a functioning version of this calculator here:

Description Of Shared Request Elements

username - Provided by CalcXML
password - Provided by CalcXML
responseType - While there are various responseTypes, the only values that really make sense for REST integrations are raw, raw2 and pdf. raw2 includes result paragraphs/text where raw does not. pdf returns a URL to the generated PDF. Default: raw2.
returnDataTable - Indicates whether the detailed data table should be included in the response. Valid values: true or false. Default: true
chartLibrary - Indicates what type of chart should be generated. Valid values: image or flash. Default value: image
language - 2-character language code. Conform to ISO 639-1 Code. Used in conjunction with countryCode to format currency values. Find the full list here: Default: en
countryCode - 2-character country code. Conform to ISO 3166-1-alpha-2. Used to format currency values that are returned in the response. Find the full list here: OR here: Default: US
version - The version of the schema being used for this request. Current/Default = 1.3
chartTitle - Change the chart title for the image.
threeD - Use a 3d effect when rendering the chart. Use 0 to disable. Use 1 to enable. Default = 1
chartHeight - Specify a height in pixels for the image. Default = 300
chartWidth - Specify a width in pixels for the image. Default = 400
barColor1 - Specify a custom chart color in hexadecimal.
barColor2 - Specify a custom chart color in hexadecimal.
barColor3 - Specify a custom chart color in hexadecimal.
barColor4 - Specify a custom chart color in hexadecimal.
barColor5 - Specify a custom chart color in hexadecimal.
barColor6 - Specify a custom chart color in hexadecimal.

Sample JSON Response

Click Submit to send the JSON request below to be processed. The JSON response will be displayed in a new tab/window. You can modify the JSON request prior to sending it as well.

JSON request