CalcXML REST Web Services - ret37 Calculator


Properties / Request Headers

Required property: content-type=application/json
Required property: charset=UTF-8
Required header: accept=application/json

Full JSON Request

{"username": "XXXXXX","password": "XXXXXX","responseType": "raw2","returnDataTable": "true","chartLibrary": "image","language": "en","countryCode": "US","version": "1.3", "chartTitle": "Custom Chart Title", "threeD": "0", "chartHeight": "300", "chartWidth": "300","barColor1": "ddeeaa", "barColor2": "00ffff", "barColor3": "ffeb00","barColor4": "aabbcc","barColor5": "ff00ff","barColor6": "bbaa00","yrsToRetirement": "30","clientIncome": "0","salaryIncreases": "0.05","planBalance": "0","currentContribution": "0.03","compounding": "26","employerMatch": "0.03","beforeTaxReturnCon": "0.05","beforeTaxReturnMod": "0.08","beforeTaxReturnAgg": "0.11","yrsWithdrawals": "30","retirementReturn": "0.08","inflation": "0.03"}

Minimal JSON Request

Optional elements will be defaulted

{"username": "XXXXXX","password": "XXXXXX","yrsToRetirement": "30","clientIncome": "0","salaryIncreases": "0.05","planBalance": "0","currentContribution": "0.03","compounding": "26","employerMatch": "0.03","beforeTaxReturnCon": "0.05","beforeTaxReturnMod": "0.08","beforeTaxReturnAgg": "0.11","yrsWithdrawals": "30","retirementReturn": "0.08","inflation": "0.03"}

Description Of Calculator-Specific Request Elements

yrsToRetirement Data type: xs:integer Valid values: 1 to 50
clientIncome Data type: xs:double Valid values: 0 to 999999999
salaryIncreases Data type: xs:float Valid values: 0 to .20
planBalance Data type: xs:double Valid values: 0 to 999999999
currentContribution Data type: xs:float Valid values: 0 to 1
compounding Data type: xs:integer Valid values: 52 (Weekly), 26 (Bi-Weekly), 24 (Semi-Monthly), 12 (Monthly), 1 (Annually)
employerMatch Data type: xs:float Valid values: 0 to .2
beforeTaxReturnCon Data type: xs:float Valid values: -.12 to .12
beforeTaxReturnMod Data type: xs:float Valid values: -.12 to .12
beforeTaxReturnAgg Data type: xs:float Valid values: -.12 to .12
yrsWithdrawals Data type: xs:integer Valid values: 1 to 50
retirementReturn Data type: xs:float Valid values: -.12 to .12
inflation Data type: xs:float Valid values: 0 to .10

See a functioning version of this calculator here:

Description Of Shared Request Elements

username - Provided by CalcXML
password - Provided by CalcXML
responseType - While there are various responseTypes, the only values that really make sense for REST integrations are raw, raw2 and pdf. raw2 includes result paragraphs/text where raw does not. pdf returns a URL to the generated PDF. Default: raw2.
returnDataTable - Indicates whether the detailed data table should be included in the response. Valid values: true or false. Default: true
chartLibrary - Indicates what type of chart should be generated. Valid values: image or flash. Default value: image
language - 2-character language code. Conform to ISO 639-1 Code. Used in conjunction with countryCode to format currency values. Find the full list here: Default: en
countryCode - 2-character country code. Conform to ISO 3166-1-alpha-2. Used to format currency values that are returned in the response. Find the full list here: OR here: Default: US
version - The version of the schema being used for this request. Current/Default = 1.3
chartTitle - Change the chart title for the image.
threeD - Use a 3d effect when rendering the chart. Use 0 to disable. Use 1 to enable. Default = 1
chartHeight - Specify a height in pixels for the image. Default = 300
chartWidth - Specify a width in pixels for the image. Default = 400
barColor1 - Specify a custom chart color in hexadecimal.
barColor2 - Specify a custom chart color in hexadecimal.
barColor3 - Specify a custom chart color in hexadecimal.
barColor4 - Specify a custom chart color in hexadecimal.
barColor5 - Specify a custom chart color in hexadecimal.
barColor6 - Specify a custom chart color in hexadecimal.

Sample JSON Response

Click Submit to send the JSON request below to be processed. The JSON response will be displayed in a new tab/window. You can modify the JSON request prior to sending it as well.

JSON request